Something About Acrylic Signs

Acrylic signs are more common, such as doorplate, indicator, signboard, etc. These can be made of acrylic materials. Acrylic signs meaning signs made of acrylic. In usual, acrylic sign is composition with acrylic board, acrylic word, adhesives, and light-emitting tubes. Currently, acrylic sign is widely used in company, shopping mall, and kinds of commodity mark, it becomes necessary in advertising signs.

Acrylic brand production process 1, cutting Laser cutting is a contact-free cutting method, laser can cut a variety of patterns, words, etc., the technology is the use of laser beam to the surface of the acrylic surface to release the energy is the acrylic sheet melting, the use The laser cutting method can accurately cut materials of complex shapes, and the materials to be cut only need to be polished. 2, punching Drilling hole punching: is to determine the position of the acrylic on the drawing, positioning and then punching. CNC punching: It is very convenient to punch holes in the machine. 3. Polishing Customers need high-quality products to polish the products. This process is achieved by traditional grinding and cloth wheel polishing. The polishing methods are as follows: 1. Conventional cloth wheel polishing method 2. Fire polishing method 3. Diamond polishing method 4. Hot bending The acrylic bending can be realized by several different methods, and multiple acrylic sheets can be placed at the same time. A set of hot bending machines and sizing dies are used for thermal bending. Most of the hot bends are hot bends of single or parallel lines, and the angle of the bend can be controlled according to the shape of the mold. 5, bonding Bonding is a very demanding process, not only to position the position, the product's robustness requirements are also very high. 6, assembly Assembly is self-evident, is a combination of multiple accessories into a series of products, become a complete product. The final inspection of the product quality, after the determination is correct, the product is packaged and shipped.



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