The difference between acrylic and ordinary glass

Acrylic is also called plexiglass and acrylic. Acrylic itself has excellent optical properties, but there are shortcomings in heat resistance and toughness, etc., and the application range is limited during the period. Responsy introduces in detail the difference between acrylic and ordinary glass.

Acrylic and ordinary glass are both "glass". But there is a big difference between the two. The structure of ordinary glass is silicate. Acrylic is composed of methanol, sulfuric acid, acetone, and hydrogen cyanide.

Acrylic box products generally have better toughness than ordinary glass. Although their density is much smaller than ordinary glass, they are not as fragile as glass, and the transparency of acrylic is also very good and has good quick heat. Heating it can shape it into any shape arbitrarily, so the use-value of acrylic is great.

The thickness of ordinary glass exceeds the normal thickness, the color will become emerald green, and the glass is too thick to see things. But acrylic is not like this. Even if the thickness of acrylic is one meter, you can clearly see what is opposite. Because his transparency is better. Another biggest advantage of acrylic is that light can be projected onto objects through acrylic rods. Precisely because of this characteristic of acrylic, acrylic also has an important achievement in medical instruments.



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